Monday, January 18, 2010


A proper introduction of Regina would take its own blog. Here is a girl who is all action. Regina is a 1L (first year Law Student) at Cardozo (Yeshiva University) in New York City. In addition to her academic achievements (highest GPA in her undergraduate class at Pace University, Recipient of Pace's Board of Trustees Award in addition to numerous other department honors) she is a humanitarian. Having traveled extensively throughout South Asia, Africa and Central America, Regina is committed to working towards peace, justice and equality for all. Look for her on the Supreme Court in 30 years!

1. Who Are You?
I'm Regina Gennari, a 23 year old law student from New York.

2. What do you believe in?
Social change, equality and the importance of positive thinking.

3. What kind of change do you want to see?
I want to see widespread, sustainable change in all sectors, so its hard to pinpoint a specific area. I'm working towards a law degree so I can work on international human rights issues, specifically those affecting women and children in developing countries.

4. If you could be doing anything with your life right now what would it be?
Exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm satisfied with where I am and where I'm going.

5. What are you craving right now?
I'm sitting in a Belgian airport, after a two week study abroad trip through Rwanda and Tanzania. Right now, I'm craving New York and a hot shower.

6. Talk about a piece or art, performing arts, music or writing that changed your life.
Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird inspired me to pursue law. Don't we all want to be Atticus Finch one day?

7. What motivates you to do what you do?
My faith and belief in a better world.

8. Talk about a defining moment of your life. What happened? What did you take away from it?
I worked at the Palm Tree Orphanage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 2008. My life has not been the same since then. My experience changed my perspective on the world and I realized how privileged I was, simply by being born in the US. Deeply affected by the poverty and corruption overtaking Cambodia, I was inspired to work on issues pertaining to developing countries.

9. Create a required reading list for the world:
To Kill a Mockingbird, A Problem From Hell by Samantha Power and the New York Times.

For more pictures of Regina, check out:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Regina, Saw this via Taryn "Awesome" Miller-Stevens FB. So, you want change, and you are off to get it. How can I help? Jo, SIC M, NYC 2008
